
Returns a sorted list of the rejected proposals for the provided task id and its current calculation state.
The rejected proposals are those proposals which were filtered out according to the settings in the rating profile.

Possible states of calculation are:
- INPROGRESS: entries (and ordering) might change in future calls.
- RANKED: ordering and entries fixed, at least one supplement missing.
- COMPLETE: ordering and entries fixed, all supplements are calculated.

A new routing task can be created by using createRoutingTask(CreateRoutingTaskRequestDTO).

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Body Params

Id of the sending client system.

e.g. Installation ID of the sending host or ERP system.

Maximum length: 20


Client identification code.

Maximum length: 10


User who initiated the request from the client system.

If the user is found either in the system's user management or in a connected LDAP directory, the request runs under this user's roles.

If the user is not found, the request is only granted the basic 'I_EVERYONE' role. The user name may be used for logging purposes in this case.

Actual authentication is handled separately via the request's headers, so no password is required in the request's data.

array of strings

2-letter ISO codes of the languages in which texts will be returned.

English ('en') and German ('de') are typically supported by default. Other languages may be supported.

Translations will be looked up in the order of the provided language codes. If a translation is not available in one language, the next language is used instead.


The task id is a unique value that was generated for requesting the results of the according routing task. It is returned when the the routing task is created.



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