An order is placed
For Swabian Clothes everything starts with an Order that is placed in their online shop system by a customer.
Whenever an order is placed, the shop system creates an entry for the order in their ERP system.
In this example a customer ordered the following items to one of their department stores:
- 200x plain white tshirts
- 100x jeans
each of which is represented by a Order item in M&A.
In this example, every order in the ERP needs to be confirmed by a clerk, before the company starts working on it.
In this case the order has just been confirmed, now the corresponding data should be sent to the Monitoring & Alerting platform.
To do this the receiveOrder function is called:
"metaData": {
"senderID": "SwabCloth_ERP",
"receiverClient": "SwabCloth",
"receiverRole": "SUPPLIER",
"senderRole": "SUPPLIER",
"sendDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-10 12:33:34",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"messageReferenceNumber": "ERP_2851406",
"messageType": "ORDER",
"updateMode": "STANDARD",
"idRefScheme": "SUPPLIER"
"head": {
"orderType": "New Order - Textiles",
"orderDateBuyer": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-10 11:11:34",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"orderNumberSupplier": "ERP_2851406",
"orderDateSupplier": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-10 11:12:11",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"latestDeliveryDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-17 11:11:34",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"orderACKDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-10 12:32:44",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"consignee": {
"globalLocationNumber": "1000_1",
"name": "FunClothes - Stuttgart location",
"street": "Schlossallee 404",
"postcodeStreet": "70173",
"city": "Stuttgart",
"countryISOCode": "DE",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"emailAddress": ""
"buyer": {
"globalLocationNumber": "1000",
"name": "FunClothes",
"street": "Haupstraße 405",
"postcodeStreet": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"countryISOCode": "DE",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"emailAddress": ""
"supplier": {
"globalLocationNumber": "SW_CLOTH",
"name": "Swabian Clothes"
"seller": {
"globalLocationNumber": "SW_CLOTH",
"name": "Swabian Clothes"
"installationIDHost": "SwabCloth_ERP",
"dataSourceIDHost": "82149028109"
"items": [
"orderItemNumberSupplier": "ERP_2851406_1",
"orderACKDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-10 12:32:44",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"consignee": {
"globalLocationNumber": "1000_1",
"name": "FunClothes - Stuttgart location",
"street": "Schlossallee 404",
"postcodeStreet": "70173",
"city": "Stuttgart",
"countryISOCode": "DE",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"emailAddress": ""
"material": {
"identCode": "shirt_plain_white",
"productGroup1Supplier": "textiles",
"productGroup2Supplier": "upper_body",
"shortDescription": "Plain white T-Shirt.",
"size": "L",
"colour": "white"
"goodsValue": {
"value": 800,
"currencyISOCode": "EUR"
"latestDeliveryDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-17 11:11:34",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"quantityOrdered": {
"value": 200,
"quantityUnit": "pc"
"supplier": {
"globalLocationNumber": "SW_CLOTH",
"name": "Swabian Clothes"
"buyer": {
"globalLocationNumber": "1000",
"name": "FunClothes",
"street": "Haupstraße 405",
"postcodeStreet": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"countryISOCode": "DE",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"emailAddress": ""
"orderItemNumberSupplier": "ERP_2851406_2",
"orderACKDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-10 12:32:44",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"consignee": {
"globalLocationNumber": "1000_1",
"name": "FunClothes - Stuttgart location",
"street": "Schlossallee 404",
"postcodeStreet": "70173",
"city": "Stuttgart",
"countryISOCode": "DE",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"emailAddress": ""
"material": {
"identCode": "jeans_blue",
"productGroup1Supplier": "textiles",
"productGroup2Supplier": "lower_body",
"shortDescription": "Plain blue jeans.",
"size": "L",
"colour": "blue"
"goodsValue": {
"value": 680,
"currencyISOCode": "EUR"
"latestDeliveryDate": {
"dateInTimezone": "2020-10-17 11:11:34",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
"quantityOrdered": {
"value": 100,
"quantityUnit": "pc"
"supplier": {
"globalLocationNumber": "SW_CLOTH",
"name": "Swabian Clothes"
"buyer": {
"globalLocationNumber": "1000",
"name": "FunClothes",
"street": "Haupstraße 405",
"postcodeStreet": "10115",
"city": "Berlin",
"countryISOCode": "DE",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"emailAddress": ""
This function call creates an order and two corresponding order items in the system.
Order Navigator
This section explains why a specific value was chosen.
In this case we set this value to true
, because we do not want that data from a reference order item
is copied to the order. We supply every data on each object.
: This should be a unique Id for the system that sends the message. In this case this identifies the ERP system of Swabian Clothing.
: The client name in M&A is SwabCloth
& senderRole
: Event comes from self and is sent to self, which means we are both the receiver and sender. In this case we supply a customer with clothing which makes us the SUPPLIER
. See: Message Metadata
: The date at which the message is sent.
: This number is used to identify this message. In this case we simply use the order number from our ERP, which guaranteed to be unique.
: Tells us which type of message we are sending. Can be any text.
: Which type of updateMode we want to use. See: Message Metadata
: Calculate the fields like we are the supplier. See: Object IDs & References
: Not used for our idRefScheme
: Can be any text, used to search for orders.
: Time at which the order was placed in the shop system.
: The order id taken from the ERP system.
: The time at which the ERP entry of the order was created.
: In this case the customer ordered with 7 day delivery guarantee, which is why set the latest delivery date to the order date + 7 days.
: In this case we do not send this field, because the calculation for this field is done by M&A automatically. See: Transit time calculations.
: The date at which the clerk confirmed this order.
: The Id of the system the data was sent from.
: For this we use the database id of the entry in our ERP.
We fill this data with the specific departement store that shall receive the order.
This data is important, for transit time calculations that are done by M&A.
: A unique number for the partner, that we take from the ERP.
This data is filled with main office location of the ordering company.
This data is filled with the items that are part of the order:
- 200x plain white tshirts
- 100x jeans
Updated over 1 year ago