Getting Started
You want to add document or label generation to your current ERP system? You want to print documents, or labels using data of your system? Or you need to upload, save and archive documents?Or do you intend to relate uploaded documents to a business object? No problem: State-of-the-art APIs make it easy to integrate document service into your IT environment.
In order to optimally use the full potential of the Document Service, it is important to look around and see what's available there.
- First, there are some Document processors. This helps you to understand what kind of documents we can generate for you.
- Categorized by the Document processor tag, there exist Document templates. See which templates we have already prepared for you.
- Then, pick a template and generate documents with it. Use the existing examples or your own data.
Quick Examples
Playing around with the API
- Go to the API Reference of this documentation.
- Authenticate yourself by entering "user@client" and your password into the auth popup, right next to the try it button.
- Go to the Swagger UI of the demo engine.
- Authenticate yourself by clicking the Authorize button at the top of the page and entering your authentication data.
- Navigate to the Document Service section below on the page for the Document Service methods.
Authentication data
User: API_TEST@APITEST (it is a combination of the internal User: API_TEST and Client: APITEST)
Password: API_TEST2021
The API is only available via Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Response handling
HTTP Status
Successfully processed requests usually return HTTP status code 200
(OK) or 202
(Accepted) or 204
(No Content). The following table contains an overview of generally used response codes.
Code | Description | Meaning |
200 | OK | Request has been processed successfully and some data has been returned in the response. |
202 | Accepted | Request has been accepted for asynchronous processing. No data is returned yet, the caller is expected to poll the data in subsequent requests. |
204 | No Content | Request has been processed successfully and no data is returned (e.g. deletion). |
300 | Multiple Choices | Request has been accepted but the provided parameter are ambiguous. The request can be repeated with more specific values. |
400 | Bad Request | Request has been accepted but it contains invalid data or query-parameters. The request can be repeated with the correct values. |
401 | Unauthorized | Authorization header is missing, You must provide your authentication data within each request. |
403 | Forbidden | Authorization was provided but the access to the function has been denied. Let the administrator to check your authentication data and assigned roles. |
404 | Not Found | Request has been accepted but there is no object that corresponds to the specified identifier (required path-parameters). |
410 | Gone | Request has been accepted but the object that corresponds to the specified identifier is no more available (e.g. an expired document). |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | Request and parameter are OK but it can't be processed due to inappropriate or corrupted data (e.g. corrupted document template, wrongly formatted document data, unknown processing command etc.). |
423 | Locked | Request and parameter are OK but it can't be processed because a required object is already in processing by another task. The request can succeed if it is repeated later. |
5xx | server error | The service is currently in an invalid state (during startup or shutdown on in case of fatal problems with database, network or file system). |
For some functions, the payload already contains binary data (e.g. "create document"). Accompanying information is often provided in headers, e.g. the link
header provides the object identification. See also the content-
headers. For example, the response with a created staged document contains the URL with the unique document identification, provided document format (MIME content type) and suggested content file name:
content-disposition: attachment; filename="DemoDoc10_PDFA.pdf"
content-type: application/pdf
link: <document/dbc82ff0-26fb-4648-8ea9-d61297370836>; rel="next"
Error messages
In case of an error or even if a request is processed successfully, it can contain warnings or error messages as a part of the response payload. Example:
"hasErrors": true,
"hasOnlyRetryableErrors": false,
"hasWarnings": false,
"messages": [
"messageType": "ERROR",
"messageIdentCode": "EMPTY_MANDATORY_FIELD",
"messageTexts": [
"languageISOCode": "en",
"text": "'request.xmlData/jsonData' must be filled."
"indentationLevel": 0
Indicates that the operation couldn't be successfully performed. That could be because of:
- A non-retriable basic issue like syntax error (wrong URL and/or parameter), missing or invalid parameter, validation or processing errors. Such requests must be corrected before possible resubmission.
- A retriable temporary issue like service unavailability, timeouts, access locking or pending tasks. These requests can succeed when resubmitted later.
Indicates that all errors are retriable, e.g. some data was locked in other processes or some necessary resources are currently blocked. You can repeat your request a bit later.
One or more warnings are returned if the operation could be performed but the result might be incomplete because of missing parameter, temporary state of the participating resources etc.
Updated 11 months ago