🔄 Update
Learn how to use the Carrier Connect API calls to programmatically UPDATE existing shipments or pickups.
processShipment: Update a shipping order
The processShipment call allows you to make updates to an existing shipping order.
This includes adding packages or performing various operations, such as updating the shipping date or customs value. Moreover, you can easily trigger document (label) preparation and document output as needed.
Adding a package
A package is described within the packages
section. It has its own references and attributes.
"packages": {
"packageTypeIdentCode": "?",
"packageSpecificeContents": "?",
"packageNumber": "?",
"packageTransactionId": "?",
"referenceNumber1": "?",
"referenceNumber2": "?",
"grossWeight": {
"value": "?",
"unit": "?"
"dimensions": {
"length": "?",
"width": "?",
"height": "?",
"identCode": "?"
Adding items
Items can be added using either createShipment or processShipment.
Of course, a combination of both is also possible. Here's an example:
And the response:
When adding items using processShipment, it could be necessary to update some other shipment values e.g. customs value or goods value.
Updating shipment data
With a processShipment call you can update specific fields of an existing shipment. You can update:
- Shipment totals (
) like number of packages, weights of the shipment, or total number of pallet places - Specific fields (
) such as shipping date or values concerning insurance and goods
"shipmentTotals": {
"numberOfPackagesExpected": "?",
"grossWeightExpected": {
"value": "?",
"unit": "?"
"loadingMeters": "?",
"palletPlaces": "?"
"shipmentUpdateData": {
"shippingDate": "?",
"codValue": {
"value": "?",
"currencyIso": "?"
"insuranceValue": {
"value": "?",
"currencyIso": "?"
"goodsValue": {
"value": "?",
"currencyIso": "?"
"customsValue": {
"value": "?",
"currencyIso": "?"
"customsRegistrationNumber": "?",
"remark": "?"
Completing the shipment
If you want to close/complete a shipment, you have to set the doCompletion
parameter to true
. In order to assign a shipment to a pickup it has to be closed/completed.
updateCustomsData: Update customs data
Updates customs data for an existing shipment. Updates data on shipment and item level. Updates customs relevant data only.
API Reference: update
processPickup: Update a pickup
By utilizing the processPickup call, you can seamlessly add new shipping orders to an existing pickup that has not yet been closed.
Additionally, this API call allows you to print or reprint manifest documents for a pickup.
This functionality proves beneficial, especially in scenarios, where manifest documents were not printed during the "createPickup" call or when a reprint of these documents becomes necessary.
Updated about 1 year ago