Synchronizing events

It is possible to import resolved carrier tracking events into your host system. For this purpose you can use the synchronizeResolvedEvents API call.

For the first request you should use the ageInDays parameter which returns all carrier events later than the value of ageInDays.

In the API response you will also get back a syncId which can be used in all subsequent requests instead of the ageInDays parameter. For more information regarding the syncId have a look here.

The following is an example for a synchronizeResolvedEvents request:

     "clientSystemId": "TEST_ID",
     "clientIdentCode": "APITEST",
     "userName": "API_TEST",
     "resultLanguageIsoCodes": [
     "ageInDays": 5,
     "blockSize": 200,
     "isStandardEventTextIncluded": true,
     "isOriginalDescriptionIncluded": true
  • The blockSize default is 200. In the API response the field isComplete indicates, if there are more than 200 events - in this case it is false, otherwise it’s true. So you should check that field and if it is false immediately send another request until isComplete = true.
  • For the value for the field clientSystemId please contact AEB.


An event can only be synchronized 30 days after the event occurred.

AEB Standard Events

You can find an explanation of the AEB standard events here.


How often does CES collect event data from the carriers?Usually every 5 minutes (in exceptional cases up to 15). That depends on the carrier. AEB endeavors to collect data as often as possible, we align ourselves with the specifications of the respective carrier.
How to handle events where trackingObjectType = SHIPMENT?In this case no package level tracking is possible in principle. However, the corresponding event can be used for every package of the shipment